24-08 WDSF Grand Slam Latin | GOC Stuttgart

The last highlight of the 2024 German Open Championships in Stuttgart ended on Saturday, August 17th, with the final of the WDSF Grand Slam Latin competition. 220 couples from all over the world had come to compete. After 6 rounds the couples for the final had been qualified. The 1. place with the gold medal was won by Charles-Guillaume Schmitt - Elena Salikhova from France. 2nd place and the silver medal was given to Guillem Pascual - Diandra-Aniela Illes from Spain. Yan Bangbang - Du Yujun from People's Republic of China achieved 3rd place and the bronze medal.

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24-08 WDSF Grand Slam Standard | GOC Stuttgart

German Open Championships 2024 also presented a WDSF Grand Slam Standard competition. 214 couples from all over the world had come to Stuttgart to join this special event. After 6 rounds of wonderful dancing the six couples for the final round had been qualified. And the winners are ... Alexey Glukhov - Anastasia Glazunova from Moldova. Runners-up position was given to Rares Cojoc - Andreea Matei from Romania. Tomas Fainsil - Violetta Fainsil from Germany achieved third place and won the bronze medal.

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2024 WDSF PD Super Grand Prix Standard | GOC Stuttgart

Another sucess for a couple from Lativia was won at the WDSF Professional Division Super Grand Prix Standard, also held at the German Open Championships in Stuttgart. 37 competitors from 19 countries danced for the title.

At the end Edgars Linis - Eliza Line from Latvia won the 2024 PD Super Grand Prix Standard competition ahead of David Odstrcil - Tara Bohak from Czech Republic, who achieved runners-up position. 3rd place was given to Edgaras Baltaragis - Indre Baltarage from Lithuania.

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2024 WDSF PD Super Grand Prix Latin | GOC Stuttgart

The 2024 German Open Championships in Stutttgart set the stage for the WDSF Professional Division Super Grand Prix Latin. 27 couples from 16 nations had come to Stuttgart to take part. At the end these six couples competed in the final for the title.

And the winners are ... Marts Smolko - Tina Bazykina from Latvia. Runners-up position was given to Maruster Sergiu - Anastasia Stan from Moldova. Li Mingxuan - Zhou Wanting from People´s Repubic of China achieved 3rd place. 

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